Do your soil pH results come back from the lab with consistently high readings?

If so, you may be interested in our recent trial work. Several farms are starting to realise that they may have overlooked a basic fundamental of their soil.

Click Here to find out why

Buy a Soil pH Testing Kit

Soil acidity can effect yield and the availability of Nitrogen, Phosphate & Potash as well as Calcium & Magnesium. It is important to make sure your soil is at the optimum pH level for arable or grassland to help maximise fertiliser and chemical effectiveness and to improve yields.

Soil pH testing is the backbone of our business. We accurately test the soil on site, in genuine field conditions so we can pinpoint variations in pH levels. This removes the chance of soil samples getting mixed up during transport to a lab, where soil status can often change prior to analysis.

Using quad bikes or walking tramlines we will divide the field into grids and take multiple pH samples across the whole field to establish any isolated patches of soil acidity. Using test tubes and soil indicator we can obtain a quick and reliable test for your soil that is recommended in the RB209 Fertiliser manual.

Soil pH Testing

Our experienced advisers will firstly establish whether or not you actually have a lime requirement. (Our soil pH tests have been checked by ADAS and found to be very accurate. We also come recommended by several agronomists) We then create maps and recommendations based on the results, soil type & cropping before deciding which liming material is the most beneficial and cost effective for your land.

RB209 Principles of nutrient management and fertiliser use – Section 1

‘The optimum pH is based on soil that has been correctly sampled. In some soil samples
containing fragments of free lime, analysis of the ground soil sample in the laboratory can
give a misleadingly high value for pH.’