We can carry out Carbon stock measurements on all soils. Whether land is pasture, arable, orchard, forestry or a solar farm, there is now a greater emphasis to understand the relationship between farming practices and climate change.
Prior to carrying out a Carbon survey we discuss various options with land managers to determine the best practice for sampling. Their knowledge of land parcels combined with our expertise of soil sampling means that between us, we can create a suitable plan, allowing for traceability and repeatability for future monitoring.

Samples are collected at regular intervals across blocks of land to a depth of 12 inches (300mm) using GPS to log points and navigate areas of land.
With our SCA Extra Analysis, samples can be analysed for Total Carbon, Total Organic Carbon, Total Nitrogen, Organic Matter, C:N Ratio, Total Carbon Stock, Active Carbon, Bulk Density, CO2 Respiration, Microbial Biomass, Potentially Mineralisable Nitrogen.
If keeping your carbon footprint to an absolute minimum is important we can arrange to use our E-sampling vehicles for minimal Co2 emissions during our visit.
Results will be provided with multiple digital field maps showing sampling zones and lab data correlation. Raw laboratory data can be uploaded to most farming software packages. Click here & here to see an example of a soil carbon assessment analysis.