Lamma Awards Winner

PCN (Potato Cyst Nematode) can have dramatic effects on the yield of a potato crop. In cases of high infestation, it means it is not viable to grow potatoes in a field where large cyst or egg counts have been detected. Check out the AHDB PCN Calculator

PCN Analysis
Left: 49 cores Right: 210 cores

To safeguard the potato crop it is necessary to carry out intensive soil sampling using the specified protocols. Generally, fields are sampled by dividing the field into 1 or 2 hectare grids. Typical practice means that 50 sub samples of soil are collected from each grid. These are then combined to make up a composite sample of approximately 1 litre of soil.

At Phieldtek we are fully aware of the time and effort involved in collecting these samples, especially over large acreages. In an attempt to reduce the sampling time we have created an automated sampler solely for PCN sample collection. The biggest advantage from sampling with this new device is that the sample intensity is now even greater.

The Award Winning PCN210

PCN 210

The Phieldtek PCN 210 collects over 400% more cores than the standard method of GPS sampling. The nature of the design allows us to collect approximately 210 cores per hectare. If you are sampling on 2ha grids the standard method still collects around 50 cores. This is where the PCN 210 ramps up the intensity collecting approximately 420 cores per 2ha grid.

The other advantage of the PCN 210 is that it operates a GUARANTEED sample collection. Due to the automated nature of sample collection, cores are extracted at around 3 metre intervals.

“A real breakthrough in PCN detection that the industry has been crying out for”

The standard sampling technique for PCN analysis collects cores every 12 to 13 metres. This distance is dictated by the operator and fatigue could mean a collection point is missed. The PCN 210 collects a greater volume of soil at around 5 litres. A composite sample is then taken from this volume meaning every PCN sample is far more representative of the grid area, ensuring accurate results. Cyst count, egg count and speciation can all be reported on. We can also analyse samples for TRV (Tobacco Rattle Virus)

Samples can be sent to a lab of your choice and and if requested, sampled for P,K,Mg & pH at the same time giving growers maximum amounts of data from the cost of sampling.

The PCN 210 was officially launched at BP2017 the British Potato Industry Event in November 2017. The machine then took a few days break, to exhibit at Lamma2018 where it was announced as the winner of the Farm Equipment & Machinery Innovation Award sponsored by Farmers Guardian.

PCN Analysis

Please contact us for more information