There are very few improvements so easily and cheaply carried out which can have such a fundamental effect on the success or failure of a crop as the application of agricultural lime. The Mount family have been applying lime to arable and grass land since 1868 so nobody has more experience when it comes to getting your liming programme right.
From our Suffolk offices, we offer a wide range of liming products throughout Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Lincolnshire & Hertfordshire. Our lime is available on either a delivered & spread basis or supply only – depending on your needs. We will supply you with the right type of lime for your soil and can supply calcium or magnesium lime. All of our lime products, be it chalk, limestone or mag lime are available in screened or ground grades.
Chalk & Limestone are natural materials with no chemical additions and along with Limex are also suitable for application to organic land.
It’s not all about cost per tonne
Ground limestone has an NV of 50 and costs £24/t delivered and spread.
An alternative liming material (A) has an NV of 25 and costs £17/t delivered and spread.
Ground limestone costs (24 x 100) / 50 = 48 pence per unit of NV.
Liming material A costs (17 x 100) / 25 = 68 pence per unit of NV.
Provided the two materials have the same physical characteristics, the ground limestone is the more cost-effective liming material.
For all agricultural lime in Eastern England contact us today.